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Version: 5.0.0

Static Pod Configuration

The static-pod command is used to generate static Pods that are managed directly by kubelet instead of the API server. Static Pods are useful in certain scenarios, such as setting up and managing control plane components in a Kubernetes cluster.

The sealctl static-pod command provides a convenient way to generate static Pod configuration files for specific purposes. Currently, it mainly supports generating the lvscare static Pod, which is a tool for managing IPVS rules.

Using sealctl static-pod lvscare, you can generate the lvscare static Pod YAML file based on specified parameters such as VIP, master node addresses, and image name. This file can then be stored in the static Pod path of kubelet, and kubelet will automatically create and manage the corresponding Pod.


sealctl static-pod lvscare [flags]


  • --vip: Default VIP IP (default is "").
  • --name: Name of the generated lvscare static Pod.
  • --image: Image for the generated lvscare static Pod (default is sealos.hub:5000/sealos/lvscare:latest).
  • --masters: List of master addresses for the generated static Pod.
  • --print: Whether to print the YAML.


Generate the lvscare static Pod file and print the YAML:

sealctl static-pod lvscare --vip --name lvscare --image lvscare:latest --masters, --print

If the --print option is not used, the configuration file will be directly generated in /etc/kubernetes/manifests and the static Pod will be enabled:

sealctl static-pod lvscare --vip --name lvscare --image lvscare:latest --masters,