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Version: 5.0.0

Run: Execute Cluster Images

The run command of Sealos is a powerful and flexible tool that supports cluster initialization, application installation, multi-image execution, single-node clusters, and more. Below is a detailed explanation and some usage examples of the sealos run command and its parameters.

Command Overview

sealos run <image> --masters [arg] --nodes [arg] [Options]

The <image> parameter is the name and version of the Docker image you want to run in the cluster. --masters and --nodes are the IP lists of the master and node nodes where you want to run this image.

Option Explanation

  • --cluster='default': The name of the cluster where the operation is to be run.

  • --cmd=[]: Overwrite the CMD instruction in the image.

  • --config-file=[]: The path to the custom configuration file, used to replace resources.

  • -e, --env=[]: The environment variables set during command execution.

  • -f, --force=false: Forcefully overwrite the application in this cluster.

  • --masters='': The master nodes to be run.

  • --nodes='': The node nodes to be run.

  • -p, --passwd='': Authenticate using the provided password.

  • -i, --pk='/root/.ssh/id_rsa': Choose the private key file from which to read the public key authentication identity.

  • --pk-passwd='': The password to decrypt the PEM-encoded private key.

  • --port=22: The connection port of the remote host.

  • -t, --transport='oci-archive': Load image transport from a tar archive file. (Optional values: oci-archive, docker-archive)

  • -u, --user='': The username for authentication.


  1. Create a cluster on your bare-metal servers, specifying the IP list:
sealos run labring/kubernetes:v1.24.0 --masters,, \
--nodes,, --passwd 'xxx'
  1. Run multiple images:
sealos run labring/kubernetes:v1.24.0 labring/helm:v3.11.3  calico:v3.24.6 \
--masters,, --nodes,
  1. Specify the InfraSSH port of the server:
sealos run labring/kubernetes:v1.24.0 --masters,, \
--nodes,, --port 24 --passwd 'xxx'
  1. Customize a VIP Kubernetes cluster:
sealos run -e defaultVIP= labring/kubernetes:v1.24.0 --masters,, \
--nodes,, --passwd 'xxx'
  1. Create a single-node Kubernetes cluster:
sealos run labring/kubernetes:v1.24.0 
  1. Create a cluster using custom environment variables:
sealos run -e DashBoardPort=8443 mydashboard:latest  --masters,, \
--nodes,, --passwd 'xxx'

These examples demonstrate the power and flexibility of the sealos run command, which can be customized and adjusted according to your needs.

For more examples, please refer to Run Cluster.